When we have a client come in concerned with their Acne, wether it’s been their whole life, a teen who has just started struggling, or hormonal break outs, the first thing we want to do it talk about your specific skins history, products being used, products...
Do you have skin tags or lesions you look in the mirror everyday and wish you could get rid of? We have the BEST news! Freezepen lets us Erase benign skin lesions and blemishes safely, precisely and comfortably with cryotherapy FreezPen is a safe, quick, and effective...
With our Candela GentleMax Pro Laser we treat all skin types safe and effectively. The laser is set to target the Melanin (Pigment) in the hair which brings that light and heat down into the follicle. Once that heat reaches the base of the follicle in the active...
1.Skin Regimen – Customize a regimen for your skin’s needs and making sure that you do it daily. Consistency and patience is the key! Following a skincare routine that suits an individual helps in minimizing the impact of pollutants on the skin. It also...
As professional skin care experts we get asked often what’s the difference between the products you sell and the ones I would pick up at the drug store or other retailers. Companies like to use catch words like: “retinol” “peptides” “stem cells” “organic” to...