Specializing in hair removal and dermal skin care services.

Do you have skin tags or lesions you look in the mirror everyday and wish you could get rid of?
We have the BEST news! Freezepen lets us Erase benign skin lesions and blemishes safely, precisely and comfortably with cryotherapy FreezPen is a safe, quick, and effective solution for all benign lesions. Cryotherapy is the gold standard for removal of skin lesions in dermatology and aesthetic practices.It is the controlled destruction of unwanted skin growth through the application of extreme cold.

What is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is the gold standard for the removal of skin lesions in dermatology and aesthetic practices.
It is the controlled destruction of unwanted skin growth through the application of extreme cold.
Today, Freezpen provide the most precise and efficient cryotherapy treatment, effectively eliminating unwanted blemishes with minimal discomfort or risk of side effects

How Freezpen Work
1. Freezpen emit high-pressure N2O gas (-89 °C) that rapidly and precisely freezes the affected area, without damaging surrounding healthy tissue
2. Water in the lesion cells freezes rapidly, expands, and ruptures the cell membrane.
3. As a result of the treatment, the lesion is destroyed and gradually eliminated from the surface of the skin, until healing is completed within a couple of weeks.

We are so excited to introduce this treatment to our clinic!
Watch our emails for details on pricing, when to book, and all the post care treatment info!